The home stretch!

My Kickstater campaign is doing amazing, I am really blown away by the response so far, it is 92% funded!!! Kickstarter is an ‘all or nothing’ funding model though, I need to reach 100% by midnight on February 15 (or sooner) to see my project come to life. If you have a moment to check out the rewards and you find one you like, I would love your support in this final push to get there. Every pledge helps!

Stephen Seto has designed some amazing book covers for it and is doing the interior layout as well! There is also alot more detail and info about the project now to check out, here

As a thank you bonus, every single pledge made, those who have already pledged and those who do before it’s over, will receive an unreleased Shimmer Crush track as a token of my gratitude for your generous support, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to publish my book.

Subcortical update!

Today’s the day, my Kickstarter campaign for Subcortical has just gone LIVE!!! If you can make a pledge today, that would be AMAZING!

Early Bird discounted reward tier the first 48 hours of the campaign that includes an unreleased Shimmer Crush track to the first 100 pledgers!

Other fun reward tiers available!
Get your copy of Subcortical here!

Exciting news!!!

This is not related to a Shimmer Crush release but to another love of mine, my art! In an exciting turn of events, Iguana Books wants to publish my debut novella Subcortical! It was written during a period when I was bedridden with my MS, thanks to a lot of support, I am being given the opportunity to publish it! Here’s the synopsis:

Woven with melancholy, ‘Subcortical’ is a magical, whimsical and heartbreaking story that embarks the reader on an epic journey meant to inspire wonder out of the every day and collected life experiences of it’s narrator Elisabeth. Fantastical dream sequences punctuate reality until the edges of perception begin to blur as we witness Elisabeth’s waking and dreaming life melding together. In this series of snapshots, the remarkable senses that simultaneously ignite Elisabeth’s universe, while steadily unravelling it, are subtly revealed, and we are left wondering, can she use them to piece her world back together?

You can be instrumental in helping me publish Subcortical by going to my prelaunch page on Kickstarter in the link below and clicking the ‘notify me on launch’ button, a critical action that will ensure the success of my campaign! Feel free to share this far and wide! Thank you!

You can sign up for a free Kickstarter account here.

Twitch show tomorrow!

I was invited to contribute a piece to The Ambient Ping 24th anniversary show, please tune in at 9pm tomorrow to see it and the other amazing contributions from Ping veteran artists!

celebrating 24 years of PiNG with
Wally Jericho + synþ + Shimmer Crush 
Weep, O’ Mine Eyes + dreamSTATE
Thursday September 7th . 9pm ET . FREE

Monarch tavern!

I can’t believe that it has been a week since my show at The Monarch Tavern opening for Iszoloscope and Antigen Shift. It was a fantastic night with stellar performances from each of us, I loved reconnecting with both artists and it was an honour to perform at this event. Shout out to Bugs Crawling Out Of People for presenting the event, it really was a wonderful night. Here are some photos from the show, the black and white images are by Rik MacLean @apileofconcerttickets, the colour photo is by Michael Ragell. Cheers!

Photo © Rik MacLean 2023 @apileofconcerttickets
Photo © Rik MacLean 2023 @apileofconcerttickets
Photo © Rik MacLean 2023 @apileofconcerttickets
Photo © Michael Ragell 2023

An upcoming show!

I am pleased to announce my return to a live venue for the next Shimmer Crush performance! Bugs Crawling Out Of People presents Iszoloscope, Antigen Shift and Shimmer Crush Thursday March 16th, 2023 at The Monarch Tavern. It is an early show with doors at 8pm, I will be the first performance that evening. I’m super excited to be a part of this lineup, please come out and enjoy an evening of awesome music! Cheers!

Kindness – (transcendent mix feat. Carrie Eliza) [Official Video]

I have added my new video to both my Vimeo and YouTube channels, if you missed it’s premiere on Twitch with The Ambient Ping, do check it out, it is a labour of love that I am quite proud of. Cheers!

Shimmer Crush – Kindness (transcendent mix feat. Carrie Eliza) [Official Video] from shimmer crush on Vimeo.

Upcoming show August 28th. 2022!

I have participated in my first music writing collaboration as Laughing Drone for the upcoming The Ambient Ping. My solo piece is titled ‘Complete Surrender’, which is quite fitting as I handed off my track and some raw video clips I had to Mikrosleep and let him put it all together. He used them to create the individual video for my track and the merged track and video for the piece that blends our two songs together. 

During the show, my new video for the track Kindness (transcendental mix feat. Carrie Eliza) will also be premiering, tune in and check it out next Sunday! Cheers! 

pantslessparandroid vs Laughing Drone
(Mikrosleep vs Shimmer Crush) and more
Sunday August 28th . 9pm ET . FREE